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小小整理 2/14/2000
導盲犬的秋天 |
導盲犬的秋天 - nick 12/28/1999 |
![]() 秋天的瑞士充滿了涼意。翠綠的草地上牛羊三兩隻,楓葉通紅著,綠地、紅葉、藍天、灰牛、亞洲人三兩個忙趕稿,所有的愜意只能飄到窗邊就要停止,要不然台北的催稿電話會讓你付越洋電話費還要挨罵。 好不容易交差了。窗外飄來一陣陣手風琴的音樂,原本就存在的,只是忙趕稿沒注意到。走到外面想賞他幾文錢,感謝他在我忙碌時的陪伴,但眼光全被那隻導盲犬吸過去。 她看著我,垂下的尾巴透露出她的心情,雙眼無神的看著遠方。我沒有丟錢給她的主人,我買了一隻大香腸請「她」吃。訓練有素的她只看了一眼。 心中想的是:一個無情的生命,綁著一個想跳想跑的活潑生命。按下快門的瞬間記錄我這一份無奈的心情,要命的是害我吃了兩根香腸。
你想太多了吧? - Alice 12/28/1999 |
Toro在日本不是有看到導盲犬的影片,導盲犬與主人之間的情感十分真摯,那種生命共同體的情感不是外人看得出來的。 君不見有網友看到別人虐待自家狗狗-不給吃、天氣冷了也不管,任牠瑟縮在家門口。網友將牠帶回公司,牠還是想回到主人家門前,雖然寒冷,但牠覺得很安全,那是牠生活的地方。人可能會不顧舊情,狗卻不會;在我們第三者的立場覺得狗好傻,可是狗的內心很平靜……。 這無關乎對錯,只是別將我們自己「人」的觀點去強套在狗身上罷了。
不要餵導盲犬 - Yang Yang 12/28/1999 |
![]() As far as I know, it's NOT OK to pet or feed a helper dog like guide dog. They were trained to be very concerntrated on their owner, the blind. They are very important to the blind because they are just like those people's eyes. They are not only responsible for guiding their way, but also their safety in the public area. If the dog acceptspettings or food from people other than his owner, this may extract his attentions from his owner and possibily lead the owner to the danger (such as passing cars..). I've seen the TV program about the trainings process of the guide/helping dogs. It's extremely difficult to choose the qualified puppies (usually golden retriever or laberdor retriever dogs) and the successfully train those puppies for these special needed people. It costs a lot of money and volunteers' efforts just to train one puppy from few weeks old until he can be graduated from the traning (usually at the age of 14 months). Those puppies who do not quilify for the job after training will available for adoption as family pets. We've seen those puppies several time in local shopping malls wearing a special vest to idenfy he is in training and it's not OK to pet them. They have to be familar with the public area and get used to people.It's also very hard for a disabled person to qualifu for such a dog because the waiting list is very long. An average waiting for 1.5 - 2years is common. Usually the owner and the dog bond very closely and the owner would take very good care of the dog because the dog is so important to them, physically or emotionally. So, I think most of the guide/help dogs are as happy as regularfamily pets. Don't feel so sad for the dog. 小小翻譯: 據我所知,不該撫摸或餵食輔助犬(如導盲犬)。他們被訓練只將注意力放在主人身上,如盲人。他們對那些盲人非常重要,因為他們就是盲人的眼睛。他們的責任不只是帶領盲人行走,還包括盲人在公共場所的安全。他們若接受他人的餵食,會使他們注意力沒集中在主人上而可能帶領主人處於危險中(像是穿越車陣……)。 我曾看電視節目介紹訓練導盲犬/輔助犬的過程。從眾多幼犬中揀選出能夠勝任的幼犬極其艱難(通常是黃金獵犬種或拉不拉多犬種),且都是由專業人仕將他們成功訓練出來的。而這都必須花許多金錢以及義工們的努力才能將一隻幾週大的幼犬(通常是十四個月大)訓練至畢業。未通過資格的狗狗也都會變為家庭寵物。 我們曾好幾次在這兒的購物中心看過這些狗狗,他們穿著特殊的背心來識別他們正在訓練中,不可撫摸。他們必須適應在公共場所行走且習慣人群。有需要者去取得這樣的一隻狗也是很困難的,因為等待申請的人是那麼得多,平均要等上一年半至二年。 通常主人和狗之間非常親密的,主人將狗狗照顧得非常好,因為狗狗對他們來說非常重要的。所以我相信大部份的導盲犬和輔助犬像家庭寵物一樣生活得很快樂,不需要為他們難過。