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Shits - Huanabeh's surprise
- LYS整理 8/30/1998 |
Huanabeh's surprise - Daniel 8/27/1998 |
It should be "Daniel's Suprise"!!
That was you? Huanabeh?! I didn't know it was you, I thought it was some one under the sea; our scuba diving friends. you didn't use your name when you left those messages, I am very suprised to find out that it was you! How many names do you guys have to have here? |
Who is who? - Huanabeh 8/27/1998 |
: That was you? Huanabeh?! I didn't know it was you..
Is this part of a poem or dialogue in a love movie? I've said it many times,"My hair can't afford any surprise." |
後知後覺 - Daniel 8/28/1998 |
Go to 點點滴滴 and check out "Huanabeh's suprise" that conversation. |
顧左右而言他 - Huanabeh 8/28/1998 |
I read it, but... I still can't figure out what's in your mind.
Anyway, "Huanabeh" is what Toro used to call me at the very beginning. and that was the most graceful nickname on the board until the appearance of "Shits"(your piggy sister). Speaking of "Shits",she is using "Fen-Ru" instead now which sounds like "糞-Ru". Shits or Fen-Ru ... whichever, since they all have something to do with shit, why doesn't she pick up "Shits" which is cute and much more impressive... |
跳蚤有人在說妳壞話 - Toro 8/28/1998 |
番仔伯,回言用中文好不好? 我的翻譯軟件壞了。最好能回得讓我猜得出大牛兒在吼什麼。
( 說到壞話,施子的信箱馬上就正常了。) |
那兩個臭男生在講什麼? - Fen-Ru 8/29/1998 |
芬-Ru,芬芳的芬。狗嘴吐不出象牙,什麼種腦袋想什麼種事。 |
還在裝蒜 - 黃歡 8/29/1998 |
罵我臭男生,沒關係,我對釋個頭一向是以德報怨,英文介紹趕快寫啦!等到英文版倒店關門就來不及了。 |
詭計被你識破.... - 施子 8/29/1998 |
西施犬的英文名叫﹝Shih Tzu﹞,跟那個Shits發音太類似了,不好啦。 我說歡伯,景氣不好你的公司要倒了是不是!這麼閒,整天找我名字麻煩。咚咚的霉菌怎樣了?四天要洗一次澡啦! |
好得不得了 - 黃歡 8/30/1998 |
那秘方好得不得了,毛長出來了。我有點動心想拿來洗頭說,有沒有讓你頭家先試試看? |
後記 - LYS 8/30/1998 |
歡伯,我沒有說禿,我已經把禿這個字盡量改成黃色的底色,讓別人看不到,可別罰我喔! |