
LYS on November 12, 1998 at 21:38:57:


Under the bridge 橋下(說明:橋下是殺狗之處)

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress,can be judged by the way its animals are treated".  

 - Mahatma Gandhi.


These pages are about the cruel treatment of dogs and cats in the republic of South Korea. .... Our goal is to prevent this cruelty mainly through public awareness and political pressure.

No doubt, humans have some spiritual, intellectual and moral advantages over animals. This does not give us greater rights than animals or permit us to abuse them. All humans and animals have equal rights to a quality in life just as they have at least a similar capacity for suffering.

The editor accepts the futility of asking South Korea to stop eating dog and cat. We therefore will not condemn them, if, the killing is at least HUMANE and done with accordance to the health and animal laws of that country. This is not happening and is the reason for these pages. It does not mean we condone the eating of Dog, Cat, Bear, Tiger etc.



...Sensible people realize this is an anti animal cruelty site. It is NOT... an "anti Korea" site.

Every topic discussed in these pages relates to the anti cruelty cause in some form. South Korea\Asia is not condemned in any other way but from this point of view.
