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LYS¾ã²z 7/18/2001§ó·s
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- health certificate (no more than 10 days before departure)
- vaccacinatoin ( against Rabis) certificate ( within the last year,but not fewer than 30 days before the dogs arrives.).
- two certificates must be in English (or with translations)
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Importation of dogs and cats is regulated by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services' Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Ga.
Phone CDC at (404) 639-8107.
¤. ¨g¤ü¯f¹wª`ªº³W©w¡]¬ü¡^¡G
For dogs what get their rabies shots less than
30 days before entering United States, can still be
admitted into the US, but will be put up in the Animal
hospital in New York until the Rabies shot is 30 days old.
¤». ¨g¤ü¯f¹wª`ªº³W©w¡]¥x¡^¡G
¤C. Claire¹ê»Ú¸gÅç :
China Airline allows you to bring the pet on-broad instead of leaving them in the cargo space.
But they do charge NT 3380.00 per animal.
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¤K. Claire ´£¨Ñªº¦æ°Ê¤è°w¡G
- Check with the Custome Office in Canada, ask them what's the proper
procedure for importing pets into canada, for example, with america, you
only need the documents for vaccination of rabbi and a health certificate.
Most importantly, you need to know if your dogs need to be quarantine
once they get to canada.
- Exporting pets from Taiwan:¥xÆW¡]¿é¥X°ê¡^¤è±:
- Call the Agriculture Inspection office at the airport
( if you just call the general number at the airport,
they should be able to give you the number), and ask them
for a list of certified Vet doctors near your home.
- Ask your family to take your dogs to the certified vet and get a
shot of rabbi vaccination,ask the doctor to give you a document for the
vaccination and a health certificate for each dog. ( the vet doctors
normally charge about NT 1000 to 1500 per dog for the health certificate,
and NT 300-400 per dog for the vaccination)
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- Take the vaccination document, health certificate, and your dogs to
the Agriculture Inspection office (You can find out the address by calling
the airport).
- After they exam your documents and your dogs, the inspectors will
give you the proper exporting papers, you will need to show these papers
to the custome officers when leaving Taiwan and also when entering Canada.
- When you done all of the above, call your airline, and make reservation
for your dogs. they will charge you some extra money for bringing the
dogs. Most airline only allow one pet per person, so if you want to bring
two dogs, you will have to have another person flying with you.
The dog plus the dog carrier must be under 5 pounds, NT 3380 per dog.
United airline is very helpful and friendly with people with pets too.
United airline ¹ïÄâ±aÃdª«ªÌ¤]«Ü¤Íµ½¡C
- 24 hours before your flight, do not give your dog any food or water,
this way, the dogs will not go to the bathroom while on the plane.
During the flight, you can ask for ice cubes, and feed them to your dogs,
this way, they won't get dehydrated, also something for them to play with....
- On the day you leave, get to the airport early ( like 3-4 hours ),
you will have to take your dogs and all the paper works to the Inspection
Office at the airport, they will need to stamp the paper, they will also
put a Quarantine tag on your carriage. Check in with the airline,
tell them you have dogs and would like to take them on board, instead
putting them in cargo. After the passport check, when you get to the
baggage check ( the x-rays...etc), tell them you have dogs and show them the quarantine tags.
- If your dogs and the carriage are small enough, then you can put them
under the seat, otherwise, ask to be seated next
to an empty seat, so you can put the dog next to you.
- «D¨g¤ü¯f¬Ì°Ï:
- ¤¤µØ¯èªÅ¤½¥q¥x¥_¦aªA¤¤¤ßµªÂÐ:4/02/99
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