小小整理 2/14/2000


導盲犬的秋天   - nick 12/28/1999





小紅莓 :

你想太多了吧?   - Alice 12/28/1999





不要餵導盲犬   - Yang Yang 12/28/1999

As far as I know, it's NOT OK to pet or feed a helper dog like guide dog. They were trained to be very concerntrated on their owner, the blind. They are very important to the blind because they are just like those people's eyes. They are not only responsible for guiding their way, but also their safety in the public area. If the dog acceptspettings or food from people other than his owner, this may extract his attentions from his owner and possibily lead the owner to the danger (such as passing cars..).

I've seen the TV program about the trainings process of the guide/helping dogs. It's extremely difficult to choose the qualified puppies (usually golden retriever or laberdor retriever dogs) and the successfully train those puppies for these special needed people. It costs a lot of money and volunteers' efforts just to train one puppy from few weeks old until he can be graduated from the traning (usually at the age of 14 months). Those puppies who do not quilify for the job after training will available for adoption as family pets.

We've seen those puppies several time in local shopping malls wearing a special vest to idenfy he is in training and it's not OK to pet them. They have to be familar with the public area and get used to people.It's also very hard for a disabled person to qualifu for such a dog because the waiting list is very long. An average waiting for 1.5 - 2years is common.

Usually the owner and the dog bond very closely and the owner would take very good care of the dog because the dog is so important to them, physically or emotionally. So, I think most of the guide/help dogs are as happy as regularfamily pets. Don't feel so sad for the dog.






Guide Dogs of America

Guiding Eyes for the Blind



Yang Yang :
Yes this is a good idea. Also, the most common way is to "ask permission" before you do anything to others' animals.

I've found many American children are taught to ask "Does he bite?" or "Can I pet him?" before they reach/touch others' animals. Usually if the animal is nice, owner will let the children pet the animal. However, if the animal is aggressive, or doesn't get along with children, they will refuse them politely because the pet owners don't want to be sued IF anythings happen to the children. If people want to give the animal treats, they usually ask "Can I give him treat?" as well. Sometimes the animals may be on special diet or allergic to some food.

Anyway, it's always a good idea to ask permissions before you do anything to other people's pets.





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